Wednesday, April 24, 2013

My first positive!

I had to upload this picture, because its the first.....and maybe only.....time I have ever seen one of these in real life!  Unfortunately, its only because of the HCG trigger shot we took last night.  They told me to test today just to make sure there is enough HCG in my system.  I think its sort of mean of them, though.  I've seen a whole bunch of these with only one line, so at least now I know my body is capable of making two lines happen!

Anyway, egg retrieval is scheduled for tomorrow morning at 10:30.  I have read some stories about clinics that don't put you all the way out and them screaming through the entire thing, so I am glad that mine has the anesthetist who comes in to do that.  I imagine it will be somewhat like when I got my wisdom teeth out and I woke up at home with no knowledge of what happened.  That would be ideal.

During the past couple of weeks since we started the IVF, I have felt super calm and hopeful, but today the nerves started to set in.  I have been getting kind of anxious all day.  I read that the egg retrieval is the most unpleasant part of this whole experience, so I am not looking forward to that.  I am hoping for a quick, mostly painless recovery, because I am planning to spend the weekend in Boise with my mom.  I am also worried that they won't get enough eggs, or once they get a look at them, there won't be enough mature ones.  Or maybe, despite Dr. S saying he highly doubts it, I will have an egg quality issue and they won't fertilize.  It is really the moment of truth tomorrow, because we find out what is really going on, instead of what we hope/think based on the ultrasounds.

Along with my trigger shot last night, Dr. S had me do an extra 2 vials of Bravelle, hoping it would encourage those smaller follicles to catch up a little bit.  I am hoping for 6 good quality eggs, but I would be happy with 4-5.  I am kind of jealous of the people who get 10-15 eggs, because I likely won't ever have that happen, but I know I'm doing the best I can with what I have.  Dr. S says if everything in my body worked and responded the way it was supposed to, I probably wouldn't be here.  That is true!  I would be having my babies the regular way, instead of the high-tech way.

I have talked to Austin about this a lot, and we have kind of decided that some day we want to be able to give back and help someone else in this process somehow....maybe by setting up a grant or something.  You know, once he finally graduates and all.  Right now though, I have 12 vials of Bravelle left over and a few other things that I am hanging onto in case we need to do another cycle, but I will probably end up donating to the clinic/someone who needs it, if not.  The nurses at the clinic said that donated medications can be a huge blessing to people who don't have the coverage I have.  From what I can find, 12 vials of Bravelle runs about $5-600, so I can imagine that would be awfully helpful!

Well, here's to hoping tomorrow goes exactly the best it can go!

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