Saturday, March 16, 2013

We're cookin now!

My last post was pretty hopeful about starting right away, but it turns out we hit a bump in the road.  I didn't really want to update until we were actually a little closer to starting our cycle, so here's what has happened since then!

The snag we hit to starting our cycle last time ended up being with the genetic testing.  Austin and I both came back positive for the same gene mutation, so Dr. S wanted us to get some genetic counseling, so we would know how this would affect our outcomes before proceeding.  Unfortunately, that took a few days to get scheduled, so we ended up having to wait a whole extra cycle.  The genetic counselor was really nice though, and she basically told us, of all the things we tested for, the mutation we had was the least worrisome we could have.  We are positive for a gene that causes hemochromatosis, which is where the baby's body could store too much iron.  She said we only had a 25% chance of having a baby with the disorder -- since we are both only carriers ourselves -- and if so, the baby would only have a 2% chance of developing symptoms, which wouldn't appear until their 40s-50s, and even then, it is very treatable.  They would just have to get their iron levels checked every so often and if they started getting high, they would do a phlebotomy to get them back to normal.

All in all, we aren't too worried about it, and Dr. S didn't seem to be either, but he just wanted us to get all the information so we knew what we were dealing with.  A tiny chance of a not so horrible condition that is treatable is not a dealbreaker for us, nor is it something we would pay thousands extra to test for before implantation.  So, the next cycle was a go ahead!  We have just spent the last few weeks waiting and waiting to start.  Luckily, Austin has been so busy with school and work that he hardly noticed.  I wish my job was so distracting that I didn't notice either.

For anyone who doesn't know, I've done medical transcription for about 10 years, and at this point, I'm pretty good at typing on autopilot while my mind drifts off to worryville.  I worry about not getting any eggs, or not having any fertilize, or having no embryos make it to implantation.  You know, the stuff everyone worries about at this stage in the game, but more so for me, since they basically told me my chances are quite a bit lower than normal.  Even though the doctor said we can still have a good chance, the fact that we didn't qualify for ANY of the multicycle discounts (especially the moneyback guarantee one) kind of speaks for itself on what they think of my abilities to get pregnant!

I just keep having faith that everything works out for a reason, and that things are just working out too perfectly for this not to work.  

Last Saturday (a week ago), we went to the class where they talked all about what to expect from your cycle, how to mix medications, and how to give the injections.  I was absolutely ecstatic when they told us that their clinic generally no longer uses the progesterone in oil shots, and opts for a much more convenient suppository option.  I had resigned myself to the subcutaneous injections, but I had still been psyching myself up for the 1 1/2 inch IM injections that would be given starting after the transfer.....all the way to week 12 of pregnancy.  I am soooooo glad we won't be doing that.  The class was somewhat informative, but after all the research I had been doing on the Internet, I knew a lot of it already.  The medication mixing doesn't seem too difficult, and once we get through the first couple shots, my guess is Austin will be a pro and I can get through the rest no problem.

While we were there, we paid the rest of the money to start our first cycle.  After checking and double checking, and then having their billing department triple check for us, all finally came to the agreement that we have the best infertility benefits they have EVER seen.  Our insurance covers 90% of any treatment with no prequalifications, up to $25,000, so even though we didn't qualify for the money back guarantee, our insurance will cover 2 1/2 tries.  Hopefully we don't make it to #3, but if we do, it will only cost us a few thousand dollars, instead of 10+.  Also another bonus we found out about is that since our medication coverage is separate from our insurance, the medication costs don't go towards the 25K, which is HUGE because medication for one cycle can cost upwards of $3500-4000.  So after all said and done, we paid an estimated coinsurance of $1000 for our first cycle.

Then, it came time to order medications.  The clinic calls and orders them, and then Medco calls us to confirm and get payment.  So for all our medications for the first cycle, the total came to $187 and some change.  I have never spent so much on medication in my life, but oh my word, it is better than $3500.  I can honestly say this would not be happening if not for the blessing of this insurance we were able to get.  Austin's job at Thermo is a gift that literally keeps on giving.  It has blessed our lives in soooo many ways, starting with immediate tuition reimbursement all the way to IVF insurance, with a million other benefits in between.

To recap, that is a total out of pocket expense so far for this cycle of $1187 of the estimated $13,000 this cycle will actually cost.  I'm amazed at how blessed we are!

Well the medications showed up today and I was amazed at how much stuff was in the boxes.  There were 5 separate boxes, and an overwhelming amount of medication, needles, syringes, alcohol wipes, etc. inside.  I am kind of glad all of it arrived about a week before we are actually going to start, because its going to take some preparation on my part to know all of that is going to be inside of me by the end of a month!  I can do this! I can do this! I can do this!

Here is a few pictures of all the fun that arrived on my doorstep this morning:

Austin was cracking up at the box that said "Do not use if you are pregnant or planning pregancy."  Um, what??

So basically, we are just waiting for my next cycle to start, which if it is on schedule, will be in about 4-5 days from now, and then we will be doing baseline ultrasounds and getting the injection schedule.  I am apprehensive and excited at the same time.  I'm exrehensive!  I'm just trying to be excited about every part of this journey.  I feel like being excited to try something scary and new will fill me with happy emotions, rather than resigned, sad, "why is this happening to me" emotions, which can ONLY be better for the baby, right??

Here's to hoping this cycle stays on track, and that everything looks good on my first ultrasound to go ahead!

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